Welcome to the Allen Park Chamber of Commerce
The Chamber works with the city and other organizations to promote your business-friendly climate that allows business and the community to thrive.
Since 1950, the Allen Park Chamber of Commerce celebrates dedication to local businesses. Serving as an advocate for the business community, the chamber promotes positive economic growth, fosters partnerships of business, professional, and community people, all working together for a healthy economy and a better future.
Join today!
Whether you have many employees, are a sole proprietor, or are a budding entrepreneur, when you join the Allen Park Chamber of Commerce, your company will be in great company.
We are an organization of Businessmen and Women dedicated to the improvement and growth of Allen Park, Downriver, and Southeast Michigan. We operate on the theory that as our economy prospers, so will our businesses and quality of life. We know that we cannot hope to achieve our objectives unless we collectively pledge our time, talents, and resources to the action necessary for success. When a responsible person such as you join the Chamber, we become stronger, and each bit of added strength greatly enhances your chances of reaching your goals.
Here are some of our benefits
- Listing in the Chamber Directory
- Listed on our Website with link to your site
- Facebook Page
- Weekly Newsletter
- Morning Eye Openers
- Lunch Networking
- After Hours Networking
- Business Expo
- Ribbon Cutting
- Special Events
- Article in the Allen Park Guardian newspaper
- We Partner with other local groups for extended business exposer and networking